Book Plaques

Book Plaques

Memorial Books are a most popular design alternative to the standard Memorial layout.

Classic and timeless.

Available in a variety of sizes as a single inscription plaque or a dual conversion with or without a tassle down the centre of the pages.

There are many ways to personalise your loved ones Life Book.  We have a wide range of corner designs, motifs and emblems or perhaps a ceramic portrait or Bronzelife image may suit.  The Book design may also have a centre tassle if preferred.


Please explore our online builder anytime to see what's readily available.

If you have an idea that's not in our library, please just ask the team.

380 x 215 mm
Single Book 380x215mm
Book Base and Page 380x215mm
2nd Page 190x215mm
380 x 280 mm
Single Book 380x280mm
Book Base and Page 380x280mm
2nd Page 190x280mm
560 x 300 mm
Single Book 560x300mm
Book Base and Page 560x300mm
Book Base Page and Tassle 560x300mm
2nd Page 280x300mm
864 x 356 mm
Book Base and Page 864x356mm Bronzelife-Bev Edge

View our range of logos and motifs.

Sample motifs

Please note: Permission must be sought directly from the Office of Australian War Graves and sighted by DP Jones & Co before any service emblems or badges can be affixed. It is the client's responsibility to obtain this permission.


Book plaque
Book Design,Dual/Detachable Plate
Desk sample
Granite Desks offer an option of either one or two vases placed above your plaque.